

Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Receiving the Mission Call

     Being a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, I have a love for missionary work because of the happiness and blessings the Gospel has brought into my life. I LOVE the idea of that same joy being shared with others! I want people to know that they have a Heavenly Father who loves them, and a Savior, Jesus Christ, who makes it possible for us to be saved together with our families.

     Dave served a mission as a young man and I have loved hearing his mission stories over the years. We have known for a long time that we wanted to serve a mission together as a couple once we retired. A year ago we had no idea that the opportunity would present itself this soon. Dave retired in September, and I expected to work for a few more years, but early this year I started to have feelings that it was time for me to retire as well. It was time to focus on other things. Once that decision was made, we knew immediately that it was time to prepare for a mission opportunity.

     I retired in April, we submitted our application papers in May, and received our call at the end of June. 

     We are absolutely surprised and ecstatic about our call to Fukuoka Japan. This was the same mission Dave served in as a young man. I can't believe the Lord has given us the opportunity of serving there together! Such a sweet blessing. 

   I have been to this area of Japan once--two years ago. I loved it! The people were so polite and kind. It was beautiful and clean and modern. I'm looking forward to actually living there and experiencing it for a longer period of time. However, the thing we are most excited about is being part of the missionary effort in this small part of the world. We hope we can help our amazing young missionaries stay happy and healthy so they can carry out their work.


1 comment :

  1. So fun to watch the video of you opening your call! It's inspiring!
