

Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Move to Kumamoto

Well the day is finally here. We loaded up the Mission President's van and our (new) car and headed to Kumamoto to set up shop in our new apartment. Kumamoto is about 2 hours south of Fukuoka by car.

I failed again to get pictures of the Baileys and the Rikards who drove us down and did so much to help us. They are truly angels. I will get some pictures of them next week when we see them again and post pictures then.

The Kumamoto area has not had a senior couple here for several years, so our apartment is new to the mission. That means it had to be set up from scratch with furniture, bedding, appliances, dishes, utensils, pans, etc. The Baileys made all those arrangements ahead of time, and then many of the supplies were brought in the van, with the bigger things being delivered the day we moved in.

This is a cute little sign at the edge of our building. Not sure what it says...

We had so much help today. The office Elders came down with us in the van and were critical in  helping us find the apartment once we arrived, and Elder Sagane, who is Japanese, worked with all the delivery people to make sure things were arranged, etc. We also had help from the local missionaries assigned to work in the Kumamoto area, and also from some local church members. I am so grateful to each and every person who came to help.

Elder Sagane putting together one of our office chairs.

Elder Galbraith putting together our microwave stand.

Look at all the shoes of those here to help! The Japanese have the culture of taking off their shoes in the "genkan" which is the entry area, and they are very careful to do that every time. So we had delivery men bringing in the refrigerator, and the stove and the washer, all taking off their shoes before entering. 

Sister Watanabe and Sister Glade, along with two Relief Society sisters helping to put away dishes and kitchen gadgets.

More Elders and ward members putting together furniture.

Then that evening, two Relief Society sisters invited us to dinner at the church. They made delicious curry and rice, along with salad and fruit. This is Elder Welker with Sister Honda and Sister Suzuki and Sister Suzuki's two children. So sweet!

We are happy and grateful to be settling into our home for the next 18 months. Now to get down to business and get to work!


  1. And so it begins! So excited for you. 😊

  2. So happy for you and Dave, Kelly! Such wonderful helpers! Love this blog to keep all of us informed as the time goes. Will keep you in my prayers! This is my husbands computer so it will say DanRas but it is me Lynda Rasmussen! Love to you both!
