

Thursday, May 30, 2019

Cemeteries and a Birthday

Missionary Life: As I look back over the time since the last post, I realize we have done a lot of things, but that I didn't take too many pictures.
  • We did two more missionary apartment checks, but I failed to take their pictures. Fortunately, those same missionaries will be staying in our Zone for another 6 weeks, so I will get them next time!
  • I got my first haircut here in Japan--at a little shop right in our neighborhood. My sweet neighbor said she needed a haircut too, so she made appointments for both of us and went with me which made communication possible, thanks to her English speaking skills.
  • We spoke in church. In Japanese. Have I learned Japanese? NO. Working on it, but it's HARD guys. So I wrote my talk in English, and then had it translated to Japanese, and then I read it. Elder Welker did the same, but he was able to translate most of his by himself. 
  • We sponsored a 'Taco Tuesday' for our FHE group, after a couple people said they would like to try Mexican tacos. We supplied the tortillas and meat and chips and salsa (thank you Costco!), and the rest of the attendees brought the other items. It was really fun and they seemed to enjoy having a little Mexican food.
  • We have been teaching English classes and driving missionaries here and there when needed.
  •  I have been taking nursing calls and doling out (mostly sound) advice. We had a couple of missionaries with serious illnesses, but all is resolved now and they are doing fine. 
  • We continue to work with the Stake and Ward leaders on the initiative to support and strengthen the YSA programs. Our goal is to have consistent, quality activities for the young singles in order to create opportunities for them to mingle, meet new people, and have fun.
  • We have been attending District meeting each Tuesday, and enjoying the training by our District leader, Elder Lim. He includes Elder Welker and I in the challenges he gives the missionaries each week--things like..make sure to have companionship inventory each week, practice bearing your testimony to each other on specific topics, focus on your goals, and change one 'not very fun' part of your weekly schedule to make it more enjoyable.
I had a birthday. One of the BIG ones. The missionaries in our district were so cute, and planned a little surprise party--luckily my birthday fell on P-day! We had waffles, and ebelskivers, and fruit, and sausage and eggs and homemade syrup. And lots of fun. 

Left to right....Elder Welker, Elder Yamanaka, Elder Lim, Sister Monson, Sister Sato, Elder Noguchi, Elder Balute. Aren't they just the best?

Also in my birthday week (you have to stretch out these celebrations, right?) I got to choose where I wanted to eat out. I chose this place called Reef Burger. They have gourmet style burgers, and SHAKES. Shakes are my love language, so it was an obvious choice. Look at that beauty.

Japanese Culture: One thing I have found interesting here are the cemeteries. They have very large gravestones and a cemetery will pop up in the most random places. Sometimes they are on a grassy hill, but most often they are right in the middle of a neighborhood. They are family gravestones, and many family member's ashes are stored there. One of these markers will sell for between $7,000 and $20,000, depending on the size and ornateness.

As we enjoy this time we have to serve a mission, I've thought about what brings us happiness in life. I know it isn't material things or power or status. It is our relationships. Our relationship with God and His Son, Jesus Christ, and our relationships with family and friends. I know when we stop trying to control everything, and trust that God has a plan for us, we will find joy and happiness. I hope you all are finding that joy.

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