

Sunday, November 10, 2019

P-days, visitors, and dengaku

Missionary Life: Missionary life continues to be amazing and busy. We have wonderful young missionaries in our area who work very hard serving people and teaching about the gospel. They genuinely love everyone and share their love freely. In case you don't know, young missionaries have a strict schedule they follow--they are up every day at 6:30 am to exercise, eat, get ready for the day, study, and plan. Then they are expected to be out working no later than 11:00, and often don't return home until 9:00 pm when they have to be in for the night. They are to be in bed with lights out at 10:30 pm, and then do it all again the next day. Once a week they have a P-day (Preparation Day) to spend doing their shopping, cleaning their apartment, writing to and talking to families, getting haircuts, and doing something fun. On the other days they spend their working hours teaching lessons, serving people and ministering in many ways, talking to everyone they come in contact with, searching for those who might be interested in what the gospel of Jesus Christ can offer them. It is hard, but rewarding work. Next time you see a missionary for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, give them a smile and a wave. You will brighten their day. It is such a privilege to be serving here as a support to these amazing young people.
  • A view of our missionaries (Elder Akuta, Elder Jacobson, Sister Davis, Sister Spendlove) on a P-day standing near the west coast of the Kumamoto area. You can see the Nagasaki peninsula across the bay. 
  • Another P-day activity: Hiking in an amazing place called Kikuchi Gorge. Japan is a beautiful country with many hidden treasures!

  • We had our first visitors arrive! Steve and Lynnette came and stayed with us for just over a week. We had so much fun showing them around and introducing them to some of our favorite things here in Japan. 
Suizenji Park
Sunbathing turtles
Reclining Buddha in Fukuoka
Peace Park in Nagasaki
The BEST Okonomiyaki we have found. Also in Nagasaki.
Christian church in Amakusa
Amakusa--a series of islands off the western coast of Kyushu.
Visiting our friend Mark and his daughter in Yamato. 
Hanging out with the town mascot, Kumamon, in downtown Kumamoto.
  • On another P-day, we got to go see the Cosmos flowers growing on the slopes of Mt. Aso. These beautiful pink flowers bloom in autumn and usher in the fall season. 
Honda Shimai, Adachi San, Elder Akuta, Elder Suzuki, Sister Davis, Sister Spendlove
Kishi Shimai, Sister Gallarde, Sister Hattori
  • We helped with a fun Primary Halloween Party. The kids were so cute and had fun playing the games, smashing pinatas courtesy of the missionaries, and eating some scary food!

  • Japanese Culture: Wow, we got to experience one of the most unique eating experiences to date on another P-day. Sister Saruwatari took us to a restaurant up in the mountains called Takamori Dengaku Hozonkai. "Dengaku" is an ancient dish, derived from the Dengaku dances that prayed for good harvests for farmers. It is made up of locally harvested food--taro potatoes, fresh river trout, tofu, chicken, konjac--all carefully brushed with a miso paste and grilled on skewers in front of a sunken charcoal fire. The staff placed the food on the skewers and placed them upright around the charcoal. We were given a glove to wear and instructed to turn our food on the skewers as each side was cooked. The meal also came with rice, soup, and additional vegetables. It was VERY GOOD, and such a fun experience!

Yes, I did eat the fish--all except the head. 
We've had a lot of P-days since my last post, plus visitors, so that makes for a lot of fun activities to report on. I hope these pictures give you a small idea of some of the wonders of Japan. If you ever get a chance, it is a fantastic place to visit!

Spiritual Message: My spiritual message comes from my Come Follow Me study. In 2 Timothy Chapter 3, Paul is talking about all the perilous times and situations that will occur in the last days, or in other words, in our day. He has a long list including things like selfishness, pride, ingratitude, immorality, lack of self-control, rebellion, pleasure seeking, unholiness, and more. He spends a lot of time talking about these perils, and then he tells us how to avoid them. He tells us to continue in the things we have learned, and continue to learn from the scriptures. The answer is regular and consistent scripture study! Verse 15 says"...the holy scriptures....are able to make thee wise unto salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus." It is through scripture study that we are able to come to know Jesus Christ and develop faith in Him, which will enable us, through His Atonement, to gain the promised salvation. I'm grateful for the terrific study materials we have been given to enhance our study of the gospel. 

We love you all!

1 comment :

  1. You guys are amazing missionaries! Keep up the good work! 💕
