

Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Japan Fukuoka Mission 2.0

We are BACK! When we first arrived home to take care of business, the possibility of being able to return seemed remote. There were so many obstacles that had to be overcome, but one by one, each issue was resolved in ways we could not have thought possible. Our testimony of God's love is unshakable. He truly knows each of us and desires to help us through our trials. He doesn't take them away, but helps us bear them and turns them to our good if we let Him.

We have so much gratitude in our hearts for all the love, prayers, service offered, tender mercies from the Lord, and flat out miracles that have brought us back to our mission. To be back in Japan working with these amazing young people is such a blessing and brings us loads of JOY!

Yesterday we attended a Zone Council Meeting, organized and led by the Zone Leaders here in the Kumamoto Zone. It was extremely well planned and organized. The District Leaders and Sister Training Leaders shared meaningful instruction. The love these missionaries have for the Lord, for the Japanese people, and for each other is inspiring. And their enthusiasm is contagious! We look forward to serving them, and serving with them.


  1. This makes me sooooo happy! <3

  2. Prayers are answered! So happy you all are back in Japan!

  3. This picture and post makes us happy in so many ways! We are praying for you all!

  4. My continued prayers for you and Dave are being answered. God is so good!

  5. So happy to hear that you are back in Japan!
