

Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Missionary work takes a turn and Coming of Age ceremony

Missionary Life: Missionary life has taken an abrupt turn! As everyone knows, the COVID-19 virus is spreading around the earth. When it began to spread in Japan, we initially were told we would have  only Sacrament meeting on Sundays and we should cancel other missionary related activities like our English classes, etc. We were still allowed to visit people in their homes and carry on as usual. Then one week ago today we received the instruction from our Asia North Area leaders that all church meetings and activities will be canceled for now. They also let us know that they are requesting all missionaries to stay in their apartments except for weekly grocery shopping and limited exercise. We are not at much risk for becoming sick, but we don't want to be careless and be the source of any spreading if we were to have the virus and not know it.

This has been a real change, but something the missionaries are learning how to deal with and they are continuing to thrive within these new limitations. They have the opportunity to be creative in how they serve people--writing letters and sending messages, how they teach people the Gospel--via video chats and online posts testifying of Jesus Christ, and how they interact with each other--also some video meetings. In addition to teaching the gospel, they are teaching people English on video, and teaching people how to do Family History.

Elder Welker and I have been joining with the Elders to teach an amazing investigator. Since last week, we have had the lessons via Facebook Messenger video. It's wonderful that we can all be in our own homes and still see each other and share the Gospel together.

Prior to the 'confinement period' as we jokingly call it (currently on Day 7 of confinement), we had a trip to the temple with a new member and many fun activities with friends and members who like to help the missionaries enjoy their P-days.
  • Temple Trip--Midori is a new member who was excited to attend the temple for the first time and participate in baptisms for her relatives. We went with her and two of the Sister Missionaries who taught her the Gospel, Sister Gallarde and Sister Rich.

  • The Art Aquarium--A special exhibit came to Kumamoto, and our friend, Saruwatari Shimai took us to see it. It featured many many colorful fish displayed in artistic and beautiful settings. I've never seen anything like it!

  • Fun meals out--always a highlight of P-day activities! Well, until the confinement started.
Kona Cafe and Pancake House with Sister Pugsley, Sister Taleni, Sister Richards, Sister Vaitaki and Sister Hattori
P-day breakfast celebration at McDonalds with Sister Vaitaki, Elder Suzuki, Elder Blaser, Sister Pugsley, Sister Richards, Sister Hattori, Sister Taleni. The workers at McDonalds were happy and surprised at how much we all ate!
Going away lunch for Elder Palu, with Elder Vaughan, Elder Nishimoto, a friend, Elder Lewis, Elder Palu, Sister Rich, Sister Gallarde, Elder Akuta, and Elder Horie. Yakiniku (all you can eat grilled meat) of course! 
  • Ninja time at Kumamoto Castle--Even dressed as ninja's, they work hard at being missionaries--being friendly, making people smile, and making friends. They are a light wherever they go.

  • A ferry ride--this might seem like a mini cruise, but it really was for official missionary business! We had to pick up a missionary who was being transferred to our area from Nagasaki, across the bay from Kumamoto. It's about a 30 minute ride across.

Elder Neilson and Elder Gilbert
Japanese Culture: One of the fun activities we experienced was the 'Coming of Age' celebration. Every year on the second Monday of January, the Japanese celebrate Coming of Age Day or Seijin no Hi. It is sometimes called "Adults" Day. It is a national holiday to welcome the youth into adulthood. Everyone who turned 20 the past year is invited. The young women dress up in elaborate and beautiful kimonos and the young men in western suits or traditional male kimonos.

Because of the traditional dress and hairstyles and makeup, there are many photographers and news people there. Everyone gathers around 11:30 to hear a speech by the mayor or another town leader. They are reminded of their responsibilities now as adults, and congratulated. Then everyone gathers outside for photos and time together with family, friends, and well-wishers. There are other activities  throughout the day, such as visiting shrines, and then after-parties in the evening.

We attended the event in Kumamoto. Before heading there, our missionaries were assisted by different members of the Church to dress in traditional kimonos. They all looked so good! There were so many people there, and so many beautiful kimonos. Even though it was P-day, our missionaries kept their missionary spirit and were making friends and handing out flyers and connecting with the people they met on social media. The Elders were interviewed by a television station, and then they and the Sisters were later photographed and interviewed by the local newspaper.

Sister Pugsley, Sister Richards, Elder Suzuki, Elder Blaser
Notice the traditional shoes!

Also the traditional hairstyles

Being interviewed and photographed for the newspaper
One of the young men said 'get Momma in this picture'. 
Spiritual Thought: One of the messages we discussed with our investigator today was the principle of agency. Agency is important to our Heavenly Father. Without agency, if we were forced to keep the commandments, we wouldn't learn and grow. We would return to Him, but we would not have become more like Him. That's not what He wants for us, so He has given us our agency and then He protects it. He doesn't interfere with our choices, but there are always consequences. This scripture in 2 Nephi 2:27 explains it: "Wherefore, men are free according to the flesh....and they are free to choose liberty and eternal life, through the great Mediator of all men, or to choose captivity and death, according to the captivity and power of the devil; for he seeketh that all men might be miserable like unto himself." My prayer is that I and all of you, my family and friends, will choose to show our love and loyalty to God by having faith in Jesus Christ and keeping His commandments. We have been promised that if we choose to do that, those choices will lead to happiness and eternal life. Have a great day! We love you!

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