

Tuesday, March 24, 2020

The Dreaded Call

Missionary Life: As life has taken a turn for everyone around our globe, I will give you a glimpse of what life has been like here on our mission. For a little over three weeks we have been practicing self-isolation for the most part--just leaving home to exercise and go to the grocery store. The young missionaries continued to teach people the gospel, but in new ways using technology. We were all trying to remain optimistic that we would be able to hunker down for a few more weeks and then resume normal missionary life. However, on Saturday we all received an email from the President Mack telling us that all foreign missionaries in our mission would need to be evacuated to their home countries--within 24-48 hours.

So we all cried, as we got busy packing and cleaning. We called people to say goodbye, and cried some more. Then began a waiting game. You see, all the missions in Japan had to do the same, along with many, many other missions throughout the world. To say the Missionary Department was overwhelmed with making travel arrangements would be a gross understatement. From what I understand, this job of arranging travel for the Japanese missions was delegated to the Area North mission office in Tokyo. We have foreign missionaries in this mission from America, Brazil, Tonga, Australia, Canada, Hungary, and the Philippines. When you consider that each of those countries currently have different levels of travel restrictions and bans, you can begin to see what a formidable task our leaders were facing in trying to get these missionaries to their home countries.

Today (Tuesday) the call we have been waiting for, aka dreading, came. All the young missionaries were requested to get to the mission home ASAP because their flight arrangements were beginning to come in and some of them had to fly out today. (The senior couples will be traveling a day or two or three later.) So, many wonderful church members helped and Elder Welker and I helped transport all the Kumamoto missionaries to the train station, where they boarded the Shinkansen--high speed train--to Fukuoka. Once there, they will be given their flight information if it has arrived and then either go to the airport, or to the mission home to wait.

Below are just 5 of the missionaries from Kumamoto, but it is a sampling of what was happening all over our mission and probably in many other missions around the world as well. Very sad day.

Goodbye for now sweet friends. Thank you for your dedication, love and service. You have made a difference during your time here and touched many lives, including ours. We love you and wish you so much happiness in your future!

Spiritual Thought: Sometimes life is HARD. So many people around the world are experiencing hard things right now because of the virus. Many people are extremely sick and suffering, some have lost their lives, some have lost loved ones, some are not allowed to be with their loved ones who are sick, businesses are closing and there is great fear about the economy and what the future will hold. Also, most of the world is experiencing some form of isolation--voluntarily or not. It is hard and uncomfortable and anxiety producing to say the least.

I sometimes feel like a rebellious child. I don't want to pack and clean my apartment and leave it empty. I don't want to say goodbye to these young missionaries before they had a chance to complete a full mission. I don't want to leave my mission early. I don't want to leave the Japanese people I have come to love, especially without getting to see them in person and give them a hug.

Then in quieter moments, I remember why I am here on earth and who is in charge of everything here. I am here to learn and grow and become a person that can someday live with my Heavenly Father and my family. I know what is happening, to everyone, is the Lord's will. How do I know that? Because I know He can do ANYTHING. He could stop the virus right now. He could keep missionaries out in the field. He could keep temples open, and church in session. He could heal everyone. But He is not doing that. He is allowing all this to take place, therefore, it is His will.

I don't understand all the reasons why He is allowing this to happen, but I do know something that has been made evident in my life several times. God can take the worst trial, and turn it to the good of His children when they have faith in Him. We will see good come from this. There will be many miracles and tender mercies along the way for those of us who watch and wait on the Lord. He has a plan, and His plans are ALWAYS for the good of His children. Always.

So my prayer for myself is that He will help me be patient and trust in Him completely. I pray for that for all of us. So let's go about helping each other through this difficult time, and patiently wait on the Lord. He is in charge and I'm so glad.

1 comment :

  1. We have been worried and wondering about you. So sorry your mission in Japan had to end like this. I loved all your words and agree 110%. Safe travels. We will look forward to seeing you when that is possible again. Sure do love you!��Sandra
